Inside KambojaJS: Strategy Pattern

Salah satu tantangan yang saya alami dalam membuat KambojaJS adalah membuat sebuah framework yang fleksibel, mempertahankan logika yang sederhana dan tetap perpegangan pada prinsip Open/Close principle.

Hybrid SPA with MVC

Almost all apps developed here in VetVision have an embedded chat application. The problem of having embedded chat is your app need to be an SPA (Single Page Application) because the browser shouldn’t do a full refresh when navigating between pages to maintain the state of the chat. Imagine after full refresh all the javascript and html is refreshed and the chat apps need to reload its last state (Chat conversations, Login friend list etc). From an MVC developer perspective its a big-big problem, because every single navigation in MVC apps require a full refresh.

Destructuring and Async/Await

In javascript, when working with asynchronous, its really hard to get a clean code. For example to perform 4 functions with completion callback, the easiest way is to call one after another in sequence manner.

How AOP makes my life easier

Here at VetVision, we build a complex web app with a massive database call in a single request. Yes its by design! the idea was serving an aggregate view for user, so it makes user life easier - yet us as the developer.

Harta Tersembunyi di Google Play API

Bekerja dengan fungsi asynchronous bukanlah hal yang mudah di native android. Untuk proses bisnis yang rumit jumlah callback untuk setiap operasi asynchronous bisa membentuk piramida yang menghabiskan batas kanan layar :).